Sunday, July 20, 2008

Singapore Home of $36 pitchers of beer.

Singapore is a great city. It is immaculately clean, has great architecture, tons to do, great people, and incredible seafood. But this doesn't come cheap (at least not in the touristy areas). The first time a waiter told me a pitcher of beer was $45 (Singapore Dollars) or about $36 US my response was "Holy Shit". When he said the same amount by the glass would be $45 Singapore I responded "Holier Shit".

The cost of beer aside, it was a great weekend spent with great friends; Micheal, Micheal, Pam, Todd and Tom. Enjoy the pictures. For a more full catelog of photos you can go to:

Off on the adventure

John Lennon may not have been 100% correct when he said "All you need is love" but it's a big part of the equation where ever you go.
The Raffles hotel. Where the Singapore Sling was invented and us getting a round of the famous concoction

Awesome seafood
Our first Starbuck's in many months. You've never seen a group of stupid Americans get so excited about something so silly. The lady behind the counter was probably wondering 'why is this guy taking a picture of this?' Over the course of the weekend we found about 25 more Starbuck's. I didn't take photos at all of them.

Really cool and colorful buildings and boats along Clarke Que (pronounced Clarky Key)

Dancin' with Pam and a extra large Guiness

This sculpture/fountian has become the symbol of Singapore is a combination of a mermaid and a lion. Appropriately enough it is call the Merlion.
The big merlion is pretty scary so there is a baby one for little kids
The last friend we made. Molly Malone at her Irish pub. She is wheeling her wheelbarrow through streets broad and narrow crying 'cockles and mussels alive, alive 'o'. Now I know what a cockle looks like. So even though we drank and danced for 3 days I'm counting it as an educational trip :-)

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