Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bangalore Roads and Traffic

Bangaloreans talk incessantly about traffic like Minnesotans and Wisconsinites talk about the weather. Since the weather and traffic are both maddeningly inconsistent this makes sense. Traffic is also one of the first things people who haven't been here ask about; "What's the traffic like", "I hear the traffic is really bad", "Are there really cows in the streets?" etc. The answers are; Unpredictable but usually bad, I don't care where you've lived in the US your definition of bad isn't the same as India-bad, and Yes there are cows, goats, horses, oxen and even the occassional camel in the streets.

Although it is really impossible to really comprehend the traffic and driving styles without experiencing it, I've tried to capture a small snippet by video taping a few of my morning commutes. I'm also including a video of riding in a rickshaw in Kerala just for fun.

This video shows the start of my commute. Leaving Zen Gardens - note the high tech gate opener, and Artillery Road.

This is airport road. A major road way. I leave for work very early so the traffic is really light. Hello Cows! The sidewalk doubles as a cow pen. It is pretty common to see people milking them by hand in the morning. Notice all the push carts - usually going the wrong way.

Intersections are fun for pedestrians and vehicles

Oops, have to stop for traffic. Motorcycles, or 2-wheelers are less impacted.

Finally made it to Intermediate Ring Road, the home stretch. Notice all the people along the road. 20 minutes after I took this there would be 3 times as many cars and 2-wheelers and at least 3 times as many people walking on the road.

This is Old Madras Road, about 1 km from where I live. I'm including this to give you an idea of how many auto rickshaws are on the roads.

And finally, what it is like to ride in an auto rickshaw. This is one I took in Kerala during the Snakeboat races (separate blog entry).

1 comment:

The Gruber Family said...

So, I didn't see any traffic signs. Are there any? Any marked lanes of traffic? How long does it take to get to work?

I'll have you know...there was once a news report (here in Omaha) I heard on my way to work about cows on the it doesn't just happen in India....(ok, the semi that was hauling them had an accident and it wasn't a pretty sight......but there were still cows on the highway!!!!)